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Call for Presentations




    Qualified subject matter experts are invited to share industry knowledge, professional experience, and expertise with conference participants during an annual two-day conference sponsored by the Wyoming State Council of SHRM and hosted by the local Central Wyoming Human Resource Association. All presentations should benefit attendees by contributing to individual learning and development within the human resources management profession.

    2019 Conference Theme

    The general theme for the 2019 Conference will be "Ready. Set. Grow!" Conference sessions should be relevant to the overall theme, and incorporate concepts that support how HR professionals can grow in their career.

    Proposal Submission Deadline and Instructions

    Proposals must be received no Later than March 31, 2019, including any related attachments/supporting materials.

    • Complete all sections of this form and review prior to submission for completeness, accuracy, and legibility
    • • Sign/date completed form
    • Include any relevant attachments, examples of work, and/or recordings of prior presentations for review
    • • Include specific pricing, terms, and agreement (if applicable)
    • E-mail completed proposal and supporting documentation to:
    • Notification of status of submission will be communicated directly to the proposing speaker or specified contact no later than April 15, 2019.

    Session Time Limits

    Sessions will be allotted between 60 to 90 minutes (unless otherwise agreed upon), depending on number of selected presentations and scheduling availability. Proposals must include minimum time limit constraints for consideration.

    Proposal Review

    Members of the Selection Committee will review all complete proposals. Final selections will be made by the conference program organizers from those proposals accepted. Notification of acceptance will be sent no later than April 15, 2019. The SHRM Wyoming State Council strives to offer a balanced program of educational sessions by selecting proposals that best fit within the framework of the conference, considering the following criteria:

    Practical Application: Preference is given to sessions conducted by practitioners that include practical, immediately applicable work tools. The conference committee seeks presentations that will provide our attendees with information that will improve their effectiveness on the job. In addition, sessions should fit with the designated conference theme.

    Speaker References/Example Content: The conference committee seeks experienced presenters with proven speaking ability. Those with a track record of speaking and performing well at large conferences will be given Wyoming State Council of SHRM™ | 2

    preference. Video tapes, letters of reference (with reference contact information), previous attendee feedback/evaluations, and/or other examples of content are appreciated to assist in the selection process. Please note that the Wyoming State Council of SHRM will not return materials provided, and information/content from these materials may be used in promotion of the conference, speaker, and session.

    Presenter/Speakers Requiring a Fee

    The Wyoming SHRM Annual Conference has a tradition of using educational conference sessions as a platform for innovation and education in the field of human resource management. Preference will be given to presenters who best fit this tradition, and are willing to share their expertise without expectation of payment in the spirit of networking and furthering the profession, purposes for which the Society was founded. However, the Council will consider all presenter proposals, including those requesting a fee, based on available budget.

    Presentation Content

    The following is a list of suggested topical content areas that support the human resources management profession. This list is not all-inclusive, and all relevant topics will be considered.

    ADA Compliance

    Affirmative Action Compliance

    Affordable Care Act

    Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Avoiding Personal Liability

    Background Investigations

    Best Practices in HR

    Business Literacy

    Career Development for Employees

    Change Management

    Changing Labor Pool Demographics

    Civil Rights Compliance

    Communication Strategies

    Compensation Philosophy and Pay Policies

    Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills

    Controlling Health Care Costs

    Creating a Professional Image

    Crucial Conversations

    Direct Pay Systems

    Disaster Preparedness & Recovery


    EEOC Compliance

    Electronic Recruiting/Web-Based Recruiting

    Emerging Issues in HR

    Emerging Issues in Technology

    Emerging Leadership Theory & Application

    Emerging Management Practices

    Employee Benefits

    Employee Handbooks

    Employee Relations

    Employee/Labor Relations

    Employer of Choice

    Employment Best Practices

    Employment Branding

    Ethical Issues in HR

    Executive and Deferred Compensation

    Facilitation Techniques for Meetings

    Facilitation Techniques for Training

    Family-Friendly Initiatives

    Financial Management

    Flexible Work Policies and Practices

    FLSA Compliance / Wage & Hour Issues

    FMLA Compliance

    Funding Retirement Plans

    Global HR Strategy

    Health Reimbursement Arrangements

    Health, Safety, Security, Violence

    HR as a Business Partner

    HR as Internal Consultant

    HR Career Progression

    HR Metrics and Measurement

    HR’s Value-Added / Return on Investment

    Human Capital Asset Management

    Incentive Compensation Systems

    Leadership Issues

    Life Balance Issues

    Managing a Virtual Workforce

    Managing Sensitive Employee Relations Issues

    Measuring Team Performance


    Mergers and Acquisitions

    Military Leaves of Absence

    Negligent Hiring

    Negotiating Salary and Total Compensation

    Non-financial Reward Systems

    Organizational Development

    Outsourcing Basics

    Outsourcing Strategy

    Performance Management

    Pre-employment Testing

    Presentation Skills - Oral and Written

    Privacy Issues (HIPPA, Social Media, etc.)

    Productivity/Workflow Issues

    Project Management

    Recruiting for the Workforce of the Future

    Recruiting Fundamentals

    Recruiting Strategies

    Re-engineering HR for Competitive Advantage

    Reference Checking

    Regulatory Compliance Issues

    Researching and Reporting HR Data

    Resume Fraud and/or Fraudulent Misrepresentation

    Retention Strategies

    Retirement - Compliance Issues

    Retirement Plans

    Safeguarding Retirement

    Selection Interviewing

    Sexual Harassment

    Staffing Strategies

    Strategic Management Issues

    Strategies for Employing Older Workers

    Succession Planning

    Supreme Court Rulings & Employment

    Technical Recruiting

    Technology & HR

    The Future of the HR Profession

    Total Compensation

    Unions/Labor Relations

    Workers’ Compensation

    Workforce Reductions

    Workplace Management Issues

    Wrongful Termination/Discharge Wyoming State Council of SHRM™ | 3

    Many conference attendees will be certified SHRM™ (and/or HRCI™) Professionals. To provide benefit to them, presentations should support learning and development related to the SHRM Competency Model1, including Leadership & Navigation, Ethical Practice, Business Acumen, Relationship Management, Consultation, Critical Evaluation, Global & Cultural Effectiveness, Communication, and HR Expertise (HR Knowledge).




    Preference will be given to presentations that meet the requirements for SHRM™ (and HRCI™) recertification credits2 3. Presentations and/or presenters selected by the Council for this conference that are not already designated by SHRM™ (and/or HRCI™) as preferred recertification providers and/or presentations that are not pre-approved will be submitted by the Wyoming State Council of SHRM for approval of recertification credits.

    Presenter Expectations

    The Wyoming State Council of SHRM expects presenters to:

    • • meet all deadlines;
    • • make no changes to the identity or number of presenters without advanced notice and approval of the Council;
    • provide high-quality handouts/materials by deadline dates and in formats requested;
    • honor our commitment to provide education without an emphasis on promotion of a speaker’s affiliated company, services, or products;
    • respect the Wyoming State Council of SHRM as the sponsoring organization, and interact professionally with other affiliated participants, organizations, vendors, and presenters.

    Presenters should understand and acknowledge that the Wyoming State Council of SHRM may retain session content and/or audio/visual items as originally submitted. In addition, presenters should understand and acknowledge that sessions may be recorded and/or photographed for use in promotional materials, unless otherwise specified in the presenter’s contract/agreement.

    Wyoming State Council of SHRM Expectations

    In addition to the terms and conditions of the presenter’s contract/agreement (if applicable), the Wyoming State Council of SHRM will provide complimentary conference registration, access to the vendor exposition (including a table to set-up promotional/information materials if available), meals, educational programs, and social events. The Wyoming State Council of SHRM presentations during the conference grant the presenter valuable exposure to industry professionals, and the Council will provide presentation feedback and evaluation data after the conference.

    Wyoming State Council of SHRM Conference Programming Contacts

    For questions regarding this proposal form, or the Wyoming SHRM Annual Conference, please contact:

    Peaches Lynch, Conference Chair, Wyoming State Council of SHRM

    307-265-0289 Wyoming State Council of SHRM™ | 4


    Annual Conference September 19-20, 2019 Casper, Wyoming

    Instructions: All information must be typed and submitted electronically using this form, and ALL sections must be completed you may attach supporting documentation, as applicable. Completed/signed forms and any supporting materials must be submitted via e-mail to: All submissions must be received on or before March 31, 2019 in order to be considered. NAME






    IF YES, NAME/TITLE: __________________________________





    Qualified subject matter experts are invited to share industry knowledge, professional experience, and expertise with conference participants during an annual two-day conference sponsored by the Wyoming State Council of SHRM and hosted by the local Central Wyoming Human Resource Association. All presentations should benefit attendees by contributing to individual learning and development within the human resources management profession.

    2019 Conference Theme

    The general theme for the 2019 Conference will be "Ready. Set. Grow!" Conference sessions should be relevant to the overall theme, and incorporate concepts that support how HR professionals can grow in their career.

    Proposal Submission Deadline and Instructions

    Proposals must be received no Later than March 31, 2019, including any related attachments/supporting materials.

    • Complete all sections of this form and review prior to submission for completeness, accuracy, and legibility

    • Sign/date completed form

    • Include any relevant attachments, examples of work, and/or recordings of prior presentations for review

    • Include specific pricing, terms, and agreement (if applicable)

    • E-mail completed proposal and supporting documentation to:

    • Notification of status of submission will be communicated directly to the proposing speaker or specified contact no later than April 15, 2019.

    Session Time Limits

    Sessions will be allotted between 60 to 90 minutes (unless otherwise agreed upon), depending on number of selected presentations and scheduling availability. Proposals must include minimum time limit constraints for consideration.

    Proposal Review

    Members of the Selection Committee will review all complete proposals. Final selections will be made by the conference program organizers from those proposals accepted. Notification of acceptance will be sent no later than April 15, 2019. The SHRM Wyoming State Council strives to offer a balanced program of educational sessions by selecting proposals that best fit within the framework of the conference, considering the following criteria:

    Practical Application: Preference is given to sessions conducted by practitioners that include practical, immediately applicable work tools. The conference committee seeks presentations that will provide our attendees with information that will improve their effectiveness on the job. In addition, sessions should fit with the designated conference theme.

    Speaker References/Example Content: The conference committee seeks experienced presenters with proven speaking ability. Those with a track record of speaking and performing well at large conferences will be given Wyoming State Council of SHRM™ | 2

    preference. Video tapes, letters of reference (with reference contact information), previous attendee feedback/evaluations, and/or other examples of content are appreciated to assist in the selection process. Please note that the Wyoming State Council of SHRM will not return materials provided, and information/content from these materials may be used in promotion of the conference, speaker, and session.

    Presenter/Speakers Requiring a Fee

    The Wyoming SHRM Annual Conference has a tradition of using educational conference sessions as a platform for innovation and education in the field of human resource management. Preference will be given to presenters who best fit this tradition, and are willing to share their expertise without expectation of payment in the spirit of networking and furthering the profession, purposes for which the Society was founded. However, the Council will consider all presenter proposals, including those requesting a fee, based on available budget.

    Presentation Content

    The following is a list of suggested topical content areas that support the human resources management profession. This list is not all-inclusive, and all relevant topics will be considered.

    ADA Compliance

    Affirmative Action Compliance

    Affordable Care Act

    Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Avoiding Personal Liability

    Background Investigations

    Best Practices in HR

    Business Literacy

    Career Development for Employees

    Change Management

    Changing Labor Pool Demographics

    Civil Rights Compliance

    Communication Strategies

    Compensation Philosophy and Pay Policies

    Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills

    Controlling Health Care Costs

    Creating a Professional Image

    Crucial Conversations

    Direct Pay Systems

    Disaster Preparedness & Recovery


    EEOC Compliance

    Electronic Recruiting/Web-Based Recruiting

    Emerging Issues in HR

    Emerging Issues in Technology

    Emerging Leadership Theory & Application

    Emerging Management Practices

    Employee Benefits

    Employee Handbooks

    Employee Relations

    Employee/Labor Relations

    Employer of Choice

    Employment Best Practices

    Employment Branding

    Ethical Issues in HR

    Executive and Deferred Compensation

    Facilitation Techniques for Meetings

    Facilitation Techniques for Training

    Family-Friendly Initiatives

    Financial Management

    Flexible Work Policies and Practices

    FLSA Compliance / Wage & Hour Issues

    FMLA Compliance

    Funding Retirement Plans

    Global HR Strategy

    Health Reimbursement Arrangements

    Health, Safety, Security, Violence

    HR as a Business Partner

    HR as Internal Consultant

    HR Career Progression

    HR Metrics and Measurement

    HR’s Value-Added / Return on Investment

    Human Capital Asset Management

    Incentive Compensation Systems

    Leadership Issues

    Life Balance Issues

    Managing a Virtual Workforce

    Managing Sensitive Employee Relations Issues

    Measuring Team Performance


    Mergers and Acquisitions

    Military Leaves of Absence

    Negligent Hiring

    Negotiating Salary and Total Compensation

    Non-financial Reward Systems

    Organizational Development

    Outsourcing Basics

    Outsourcing Strategy

    Performance Management

    Pre-employment Testing

    Presentation Skills - Oral and Written

    Privacy Issues (HIPPA, Social Media, etc.)

    Productivity/Workflow Issues

    Project Management

    Recruiting for the Workforce of the Future

    Recruiting Fundamentals

    Recruiting Strategies

    Re-engineering HR for Competitive Advantage

    Reference Checking

    Regulatory Compliance Issues

    Researching and Reporting HR Data

    Resume Fraud and/or Fraudulent Misrepresentation

    Retention Strategies

    Retirement - Compliance Issues

    Retirement Plans

    Safeguarding Retirement

    Selection Interviewing

    Sexual Harassment

    Staffing Strategies

    Strategic Management Issues

    Strategies for Employing Older Workers

    Succession Planning

    Supreme Court Rulings & Employment

    Technical Recruiting

    Technology & HR

    The Future of the HR Profession

    Total Compensation

    Unions/Labor Relations

    Workers’ Compensation

    Workforce Reductions

    Workplace Management Issues

    Wrongful Termination/Discharge Wyoming State Council of SHRM™ | 3

    Many conference attendees will be certified SHRM™ (and/or HRCI™) Professionals. To provide benefit to them, presentations should support learning and development related to the SHRM Competency Model1, including Leadership & Navigation, Ethical Practice, Business Acumen, Relationship Management, Consultation, Critical Evaluation, Global & Cultural Effectiveness, Communication, and HR Expertise (HR Knowledge).




    Preference will be given to presentations that meet the requirements for SHRM™ (and HRCI™) recertification credits2 3. Presentations and/or presenters selected by the Council for this conference that are not already designated by SHRM™ (and/or HRCI™) as preferred recertification providers and/or presentations that are not pre-approved will be submitted by the Wyoming State Council of SHRM for approval of recertification credits.

    Presenter Expectations

    The Wyoming State Council of SHRM expects presenters to:

    • meet all deadlines;

    • make no changes to the identity or number of presenters without advanced notice and approval of the Council;

    • provide high-quality handouts/materials by deadline dates and in formats requested;

    • honor our commitment to provide education without an emphasis on promotion of a speaker’s affiliated company, services, or products;

    • respect the Wyoming State Council of SHRM as the sponsoring organization, and interact professionally with other affiliated participants, organizations, vendors, and presenters.

    Presenters should understand and acknowledge that the Wyoming State Council of SHRM may retain session content and/or audio/visual items as originally submitted. In addition, presenters should understand and acknowledge that sessions may be recorded and/or photographed for use in promotional materials, unless otherwise specified in the presenter’s contract/agreement.

    Wyoming State Council of SHRM Expectations

    In addition to the terms and conditions of the presenter’s contract/agreement (if applicable), the Wyoming State Council of SHRM will provide complimentary conference registration, access to the vendor exposition (including a table to set-up promotional/information materials if available), meals, educational programs, and social events. The Wyoming State Council of SHRM presentations during the conference grant the presenter valuable exposure to industry professionals, and the Council will provide presentation feedback and evaluation data after the conference.

    Wyoming State Council of SHRM Conference Programming Contacts

    For questions regarding this proposal form, or the Wyoming SHRM Annual Conference, please contact:

    Peaches Lynch, Conference Chair, Wyoming State Council of SHRM

    307-265-0289 Wyoming State Council of SHRM™ | 4


    Annual Conference September 19-20, 2019 Casper, Wyoming

    Instructions: All information must be typed and submitted electronically using this form, and ALL sections must be completed – you may attach supporting documentation, as applicable. Completed/signed forms and any supporting materials must be submitted via e-mail to: All submissions must be received on or before March 31, 2019 in order to be considered. NAME






    IF YES, NAME/TITLE: __________________________________



     YES: _________________  NO


     60 MIN  90 MIN  OTHER: _________


     SHRM  HRCI  OTHER: _________________


    PARTICIPANT TAKE-AWAYS AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES (What concepts/tools will participants gain from attending your presentation?)



    Qualified subject matter experts are invited to share industry knowledge, professional experience, and expertise with conference participants during an annual two-day conference sponsored by the Wyoming State Council of SHRM and hosted by the local Central Wyoming Human Resource Association. All presentations should benefit attendees by contributing to individual learning and development within the human resources management profession.

    2019 Conference Theme

    The general theme for the 2019 Conference will be "Ready. Set. Grow!" Conference sessions should be relevant to the overall theme, and incorporate concepts that support how HR professionals can grow in their career.

    Proposal Submission Deadline and Instructions

    Proposals must be received no Later than March 31, 2019, including any related attachments/supporting materials.

    • Complete all sections of this form and review prior to submission for completeness, accuracy, and legibility

    • Sign/date completed form

    • Include any relevant attachments, examples of work, and/or recordings of prior presentations for review

    • Include specific pricing, terms, and agreement (if applicable)

    • E-mail completed proposal and supporting documentation to:

    • Notification of status of submission will be communicated directly to the proposing speaker or specified contact no later than April 15, 2019.

    Session Time Limits

    Sessions will be allotted between 60 to 90 minutes (unless otherwise agreed upon), depending on number of selected presentations and scheduling availability. Proposals must include minimum time limit constraints for consideration.

    Proposal Review

    Members of the Selection Committee will review all complete proposals. Final selections will be made by the conference program organizers from those proposals accepted. Notification of acceptance will be sent no later than April 15, 2019. The SHRM Wyoming State Council strives to offer a balanced program of educational sessions by selecting proposals that best fit within the framework of the conference, considering the following criteria:

    Practical Application: Preference is given to sessions conducted by practitioners that include practical, immediately applicable work tools. The conference committee seeks presentations that will provide our attendees with information that will improve their effectiveness on the job. In addition, sessions should fit with the designated conference theme.

    Speaker References/Example Content: The conference committee seeks experienced presenters with proven speaking ability. Those with a track record of speaking and performing well at large conferences will be given Wyoming State Council of SHRM™ | 2

    preference. Video tapes, letters of reference (with reference contact information), previous attendee feedback/evaluations, and/or other examples of content are appreciated to assist in the selection process. Please note that the Wyoming State Council of SHRM will not return materials provided, and information/content from these materials may be used in promotion of the conference, speaker, and session.

    Presenter/Speakers Requiring a Fee

    The Wyoming SHRM Annual Conference has a tradition of using educational conference sessions as a platform for innovation and education in the field of human resource management. Preference will be given to presenters who best fit this tradition, and are willing to share their expertise without expectation of payment in the spirit of networking and furthering the profession, purposes for which the Society was founded. However, the Council will consider all presenter proposals, including those requesting a fee, based on available budget.

    Presentation Content

    The following is a list of suggested topical content areas that support the human resources management profession. This list is not all-inclusive, and all relevant topics will be considered.

    ADA Compliance

    Affirmative Action Compliance

    Affordable Care Act

    Alternative Dispute Resolution

    Avoiding Personal Liability

    Background Investigations

    Best Practices in HR

    Business Literacy

    Career Development for Employees

    Change Management

    Changing Labor Pool Demographics

    Civil Rights Compliance

    Communication Strategies

    Compensation Philosophy and Pay Policies

    Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills

    Controlling Health Care Costs

    Creating a Professional Image

    Crucial Conversations

    Direct Pay Systems

    Disaster Preparedness & Recovery


    EEOC Compliance

    Electronic Recruiting/Web-Based Recruiting

    Emerging Issues in HR

    Emerging Issues in Technology

    Emerging Leadership Theory & Application

    Emerging Management Practices

    Employee Benefits

    Employee Handbooks

    Employee Relations

    Employee/Labor Relations

    Employer of Choice

    Employment Best Practices

    Employment Branding

    Ethical Issues in HR

    Executive and Deferred Compensation

    Facilitation Techniques for Meetings

    Facilitation Techniques for Training

    Family-Friendly Initiatives

    Financial Management

    Flexible Work Policies and Practices

    FLSA Compliance / Wage & Hour Issues

    FMLA Compliance

    Funding Retirement Plans

    Global HR Strategy

    Health Reimbursement Arrangements

    Health, Safety, Security, Violence

    HR as a Business Partner

    HR as Internal Consultant

    HR Career Progression

    HR Metrics and Measurement

    HR’s Value-Added / Return on Investment

    Human Capital Asset Management

    Incentive Compensation Systems

    Leadership Issues

    Life Balance Issues

    Managing a Virtual Workforce

    Managing Sensitive Employee Relations Issues

    Measuring Team Performance


    Mergers and Acquisitions

    Military Leaves of Absence

    Negligent Hiring

    Negotiating Salary and Total Compensation

    Non-financial Reward Systems

    Organizational Development

    Outsourcing Basics

    Outsourcing Strategy

    Performance Management

    Pre-employment Testing

    Presentation Skills - Oral and Written

    Privacy Issues (HIPPA, Social Media, etc.)

    Productivity/Workflow Issues

    Project Management

    Recruiting for the Workforce of the Future

    Recruiting Fundamentals

    Recruiting Strategies

    Re-engineering HR for Competitive Advantage

    Reference Checking

    Regulatory Compliance Issues

    Researching and Reporting HR Data

    Resume Fraud and/or Fraudulent Misrepresentation

    Retention Strategies

    Retirement - Compliance Issues

    Retirement Plans

    Safeguarding Retirement

    Selection Interviewing

    Sexual Harassment

    Staffing Strategies

    Strategic Management Issues

    Strategies for Employing Older Workers

    Succession Planning

    Supreme Court Rulings & Employment

    Technical Recruiting

    Technology & HR

    The Future of the HR Profession

    Total Compensation

    Unions/Labor Relations

    Workers’ Compensation

    Workforce Reductions

    Workplace Management Issues

    Wrongful Termination/Discharge Wyoming State Council of SHRM™ | 3

    Many conference attendees will be certified SHRM™ (and/or HRCI™) Professionals. To provide benefit to them, presentations should support learning and development related to the SHRM Competency Model1, including Leadership & Navigation, Ethical Practice, Business Acumen, Relationship Management, Consultation, Critical Evaluation, Global & Cultural Effectiveness, Communication, and HR Expertise (HR Knowledge).




    Preference will be given to presentations that meet the requirements for SHRM™ (and HRCI™) recertification credits2 3. Presentations and/or presenters selected by the Council for this conference that are not already designated by SHRM™ (and/or HRCI™) as preferred recertification providers and/or presentations that are not pre-approved will be submitted by the Wyoming State Council of SHRM for approval of recertification credits.

    Presenter Expectations

    The Wyoming State Council of SHRM expects presenters to:

    • meet all deadlines;

    • make no changes to the identity or number of presenters without advanced notice and approval of the Council;

    • provide high-quality handouts/materials by deadline dates and in formats requested;

    • honor our commitment to provide education without an emphasis on promotion of a speaker’s affiliated company, services, or products;

    • respect the Wyoming State Council of SHRM as the sponsoring organization, and interact professionally with other affiliated participants, organizations, vendors, and presenters.

    Presenters should understand and acknowledge that the Wyoming State Council of SHRM may retain session content and/or audio/visual items as originally submitted. In addition, presenters should understand and acknowledge that sessions may be recorded and/or photographed for use in promotional materials, unless otherwise specified in the presenter’s contract/agreement.

    Wyoming State Council of SHRM Expectations

    In addition to the terms and conditions of the presenter’s contract/agreement (if applicable), the Wyoming State Council of SHRM will provide complimentary conference registration, access to the vendor exposition (including a table to set-up promotional/information materials if available), meals, educational programs, and social events. The Wyoming State Council of SHRM presentations during the conference grant the presenter valuable exposure to industry professionals, and the Council will provide presentation feedback and evaluation data after the conference.

    Wyoming State Council of SHRM Conference Programming Contacts

    For questions regarding this proposal form, or the Wyoming SHRM Annual Conference, please contact:

    Peaches Lynch, Conference Chair, Wyoming State Council of SHRM

    307-265-0289 Wyoming State Council of SHRM™ | 4


    Annual Conference September 19-20, 2019 Casper, Wyoming

    Instructions: All information must be typed and submitted electronically using this form, and ALL sections must be completed – you may attach supporting documentation, as applicable. Completed/signed forms and any supporting materials must be submitted via e-mail to: All submissions must be received on or before March 31, 2019 in order to be considered. NAME






    IF YES, NAME/TITLE: __________________________________



     YES: _________________  NO


     60 MIN  90 MIN  OTHER: _________


     SHRM  HRCI  OTHER: _________________


    PARTICIPANT TAKE-AWAYS AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES (What concepts/tools will participants gain from attending your presentation?)


    60 MIN 90 MIN OTHER: _________


    SHRM HRCI OTHER: _________________


    PARTICIPANT TAKE-AWAYS AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES (What concepts/tools will participants gain from attending your presentation?)