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    These People Are Irrational: Why HR Practices Backfire

    Date: July 18, 2024, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
    Central Wyoming HR Assoication
    Racca's Pizzeria
    430 S. Ash St
    Casper WY 82601
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    These People Are Irrational: Why HR Practices Backfire

    Dr. Chase Thiel, University of Wyoming


    Traditional behavioral models assume that humans act rationally and, thus, respond to clear-intentioned rewards and punishments. In contrast, contemporary decision-making research reveals that most behavior is the result of subconscious intuition.  In this talk, Dr. Thiel explains that some of the most common HR practices used in today’s companies demonstrate unintended consequences because they are rooted in somewhat outdated thinking about human behavior.  


    About the Speaker

    Chase Thiel is the Bill Daniels Chair of Business Ethics and a Professor of Management at the University of Wyoming’s College of Business. Dr. Thiel earned a Ph.D. and M.S. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology (with a minor in Quantitative Psychology) from the University of Oklahoma, and a B.S. in Psychology from Idaho State University. Dr. Thiel's research interests primarily fall within the domain of organizational ethics. More specifically, he investigates conceptualizations and causes of unethical workplace behavior, as well as prevention strategies. Dr. Thiel regularly engages with organizations around these topics and delivers workshops on the psychology of ethics and principle-based leadership.

